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Quantum BioFeedback Q9 Stress Management System

Updated: Oct 10, 2023

Suggested Donation $80/Hour

Q9 Biofeedback Session

During an Quest 9 Biofeedback session, the client wears wrist and ankle bracelets as well as a head harness.

The sensors / electrodes comfortably read electrical impulses from the body and send the information to the computer which acts as a monitoring device. The biofeedback practitioner is able to educate the client as to what specific areas of the body / mind are most in need of stress reduction and re-education based on the information translated from the biofeedback device to the computer screen.

These data findings allow the client to better understand their reactions to stress and learn how to better control their physiological responses.

During an Q9 Biofeedback session, the biofeedback practitioner is also able to educate the client as to what specific areas of the body / mind are most in need of stress reduction and re-education based on the information translated from the biofeedback device to the computer screen. While the biofeedback process is completely non-invasive and gentle, this powerful stress management support system allows relaxation and increased ability for the body to heal.

The body is designed to heal itself! The process of biofeedback is not to heal – but to help the body remember the balanced and stress free state. When it is entrained to the healthier patterns of a relaxed state, this process of self-regeneration often happens naturally.

How many sessions are needed?

Biofeedback is an entrainment process. Entrainment is a well studied phenomenon within physics, by which two separate systems, operating at varying frequencies, will settle into a common frequency when situated within one’s field of influence. It may take the body multiple sessions to entrain or “relearn” healthier patterns. Some people respond very quickly, especially those whose lifestyle choices are already aligned with good health.

Others may need more education, training and support around improving nutrition, exercise and / or sleep patterns, or avoiding addictive substances etc. Generally speaking, the longer a client has held certain stress patterns which are causing them pain or illness, the more sessions they may need to begin re-balancing or re-training those patterns and reactions.

Generally, we recommend clients make a commitment to their health by investing in multiple sessions in order to truly see and feel the results.

“Wings of transformation are born of patience and struggle.”

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